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Why worry about snoring? Isn’t it a normal habit?

Snoring is not a normal sleep habit. Since it is so common, most people assume that it is. Besides being disruptive, snoring is a sleep breathing disorder and can lead to serious health problems. It occurs when the flow of air through the nose and mouth is physically obstructed. This common condition can affect anyone and is an important warning sign of sleep apnea.

How does the “In Home sleep test” work?

Sleep studies generally involve spending the night at a sleep facility. Today, the sleep test can be performed by the patient in the comfort of their own home. Because the test is taken while sleeping in your own bed, it better reflects a normal night of sleeping, unlike the foreign environment of a sleep center which can affect your results.

When testing at home simple instructions are given. You will set-up a special monitor, which fits onto your head. This device is worn for one to three nights and is then mailed back to the sleep center where the data is analyzed. Your results are reviewed by a board certified physician and then sent to Dr. Shahamat.

What are the causes of snoring and Sleep Apnea?

Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the muscles in the back of your throat relax. These muscles support the soft palate, the triangular piece of tissue hanging from the soft palate (uvula), the tonsils, the side walls of the throat and the tongue.

When the muscles relax, your airway narrows or closes as you breathe in, and you can't get an adequate breath in. This may lower the level of oxygen in your blood.

Other factors that contribute to OSA are excess weight, neck circumference, soft tissue that visually impairs the airway, large or scalloped tongue, or family history to name a few.

How does the oral appliance prevent snoring and OSA?

The oral appliance positions the lower jaw and tongue in a more forward position during sleep. As the tongue moves forward, the airway opens up, making breathing easier. The annoying vibration of snoring stops and peaceful sleep can resume

Does insurance cover the cost of the oral appliance?

Most medical insurance policies will cover an oral appliance when Obstructive Sleep Apnea is diagnosed. In the case of simple snoring, some policies do not currently pay for the oral appliance. However, there is no question that for a snorer, Oral Appliance Therapy is the best investment you can make for health and domestic tranquility.

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